Sunday, August 31, 2008

Carrie's Blankie

Way back in March, way before Carrie was born, I bought the fabric to make a cute ladybug quilt. Needless to say, with work, Megan's wedding in mid-April, and other plentiful excuses, the quilt never got made. This is now the last day of August and I got it started! 

It's kind of like this. Work on the quilt, procrastinate a few days, work some more, etc. What finally got me started on it was this - Carrie has grown out of the bassinet. She needs to move into the crib. I need to make the bumper pads so she can be safe in the crib. So, Heather and I went to Creation Station to pick out coordinating fabric for the bumper pads. Then I washed all the fabric and Voila! the bumper pads got done that day. Then I cut out the blocks for the quilt. Today I pieced the blocks and border strips together. Tomorrow, the applique. Maybe this will even be done in a few days!

BG (aka Baby Girl) submitted to before and after bath photos while I was piecing. Here she is in all her nekkid glory.

Then it was nap time and she curled up tight in her Mom's arms.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Greetings from Santa Ynez!

Welcome, everyone, to the B 'n J Barber Lucky Lavender Lane blog! 

The B is me, Bonnie. The J is my husband of 36 years, Jerry. We have three grown children, Megan, Heather and Patrick, and one new grandchild, Carrie, whom you will see and hear plenty of if you continue to follow this blog. We have three dogs, Nevada-Frasier-LucyLou, and one older white cat, Lizzy. Undoubtedly, from time to time, you will see photos of them as well. 

You will see and hear about life on Lucky Lane; about quilts; about family; about things going on in our lives. I'm not sure anyone would really be interested, but it's fun to do and I guess I will read it, if no one else does!

When blogs first got popular, I couldn't see what anyone would want to know about a stranger. Now, I am obsessed with checking my blogs and finding out new 'stuff'. The blogs I read are about quilting. I found them through my Yahoo Groups... suggestions from other people on the lists. It is kind of fun peeking into other people's daily existence. Kind of gives me a boost to get 'doing'.

So, on this Saturday of Labor Day weekend, I leave this blog to go read some others, and to ponder why I thought I should do a blog. Secret is, Megan and Allan (our daughter and her dear husband) beat me to it. I love their blog and it prompted me to try one too!