Sunday, August 31, 2008

Carrie's Blankie

Way back in March, way before Carrie was born, I bought the fabric to make a cute ladybug quilt. Needless to say, with work, Megan's wedding in mid-April, and other plentiful excuses, the quilt never got made. This is now the last day of August and I got it started! 

It's kind of like this. Work on the quilt, procrastinate a few days, work some more, etc. What finally got me started on it was this - Carrie has grown out of the bassinet. She needs to move into the crib. I need to make the bumper pads so she can be safe in the crib. So, Heather and I went to Creation Station to pick out coordinating fabric for the bumper pads. Then I washed all the fabric and Voila! the bumper pads got done that day. Then I cut out the blocks for the quilt. Today I pieced the blocks and border strips together. Tomorrow, the applique. Maybe this will even be done in a few days!

BG (aka Baby Girl) submitted to before and after bath photos while I was piecing. Here she is in all her nekkid glory.

Then it was nap time and she curled up tight in her Mom's arms.

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